1. Color and Psychology

    Needing initial direction for selecting color?  Describe in your mind first, how you want to feel in a room.  We all associate different colors with different feelings.  There’s a reason soft blue is a popular bedroom color.  Are you the person who needs a sense of calm and repose at night, mo…Read More

  2. How Interior Design Impacts Human Behavior

    You might think of interior design as a way to make your home beautiful and not much more. Yes, there is a certain feeling you get from having a home that's decorated well. But have you ever thought about the way that your design affects you psychologically? Before you write off the idea, think abou…Read More

  3. Welcome!

    Thinking about how to optimize your home?  Look here for tips, ideas and insight.  And check back often to see what’s new.  For starts,  just what do we mean by optimizing interiors?  Think of it in terms of a holistic approach of designing interiors, perhaps in ways you may not have consider…Read More